Report to:

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Date of meeting:


23 September 2024


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Petition for the construction of a pedestrian crossing on the B2096 Battle Road outside Punnetts Town Community Primary School



To consider the petition asking that the County Council constructs a pedestrian crossing on the B2096 Battle Road outside Punnetts Town Community Primary School to assist children to safely cross the road from the car park to the school.



RECOMMENDATIONS: The Lead Member is recommended to advise petitioners that:

(1)  A potential scheme to provide a formal pedestrian crossing facility outside of Punnetts Town Community Primary School has been assessed through the approved High Level Sift process but has not met the necessary benchmark score to be considered for detailed appraisal and possible inclusion for funding within the Capital Programme;

(2)  Whilst the provision of a formal pedestrian crossing facility outside of Punnetts Town Community Primary School is not a priority for funding by the County Council at this time, the County Council could support a potential scheme if an external source of funding is identified; and


(3)  The County Council will continue to assist the school and local community with recruitment for the vacant School Crossing Patrol post and will provide full training, uniform and equipment to a successful applicant.



1             Background Information

1.1.      At the County Council meeting on 7 May 2024, a petition was presented to the Chairman by Councillor Bowdler on behalf of a group of residents and parents/carers from the Punnetts Town Community Primary School area. The petitioners have requested that the County Council construct a pedestrian crossing on the B2096 Battle Road outside of Punnetts Town Community Primary School to assist children to safely cross the road between the car park and the school.

1.2.      Standing Orders provide that where the Chairman considers it appropriate, petitions are considered by the relevant Committee or Lead Member and a spokesperson for the petitioners is invited to address the Committee. The Chairman has referred this petition to the Lead Member for Transport and Environment. A copy of the petition is available in the Members’ Room.

1.3.      The village of Punnetts Town is located on the B2096 between the towns of Heathfield and Battle and falls within two Parish Boundaries, that of Warbleton and Heathfield and Waldron. Punnetts Town Community Primary School is located on the north side of the B2096 Battle Road within the Parish of Heathfield and Waldron. A location plan can be found at Appendix 1.


1.4.      Punnetts Town Community Primary School serves pupils from the village, as well as from adjacent towns and villages including Broad Oak, Warbleton, Hailsham, Heathfield and Herstmonceux, who travel to school by car due to the rural location. The village car park for Punnetts Town is located opposite the school on the south side of the B2096 Battle Road and provides parking for the school, village hall, medical centre and play area/recreation ground. The school uses the recreation ground on the south side of the B2096 Battle Road.

1.5.      Punnetts Town does not have a system of street lighting and the school is within the 30mph speed limit.  30mph repeater signs are positioned at regular intervals within the 30mph speed limit, some of which have been supplemented with 30mph road marking roundels. A 30mph speed activated sign is located to the west of the school for eastbound traffic.

1.6.      On the eastbound and westbound approaches to the school, ‘School’ warning signs with supplementary ‘School Safety Zone’ plates and flashing amber lights have been provided on each side of the road which have been supplemented with ‘SCHOOL SLOW’ road markings. There is pedestrian guard-railing in the footway on both sides of the road outside of the school with dropped kerbs at the crossing point for the school. The area is protected with yellow school keep clear zig zag markings on both sides of the road outside of the school. Photographs of these measures can be found at Appendix 2. 

1.7.      Punnetts Town Community Primary School is an approved site for a school crossing patrol which is funded by the County Council. The position is currently vacant; however, two volunteers work the morning patrol shifts. There is presently no school crossing patrol in the afternoons. Whilst it is the responsibility of individual schools to recruit to vacant school crossing patrol positions, the Road Safety Team continues to assist the school with the recruitment for this position. Successful applicants will be provided with full training, uniform and equipment.

1.8.      The most appropriate crossing facility for this location would be a signalised puffin crossing, which can cost between £170,000 and £250,000. As a signalised crossing would require street lighting, a crossing facility in Punnetts Town would be at the higher end of this price range.   

1.9.      Crash data supplied by Sussex Police for the most recent 3-year period up to 30 April 2024 shows that there have been no recorded personal injury crashes within the 30mph speed limit on the B2096 through Punnetts Town.


2          Supporting Information

2.1.      The County Council has a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and needs to ensure that resources are allocated to those schemes which will be of the greatest benefit to local communities. To help prioritise the number of requests received for improvements, a High Level Sift process was developed to determine which schemes are taken forward to detailed appraisal and consideration for funding through the Integrated Transport Programme.

2.2.      The request for a pedestrian crossing facility on the B2096 Battle Road outside of Punnetts Town Community Primary School has been assessed through the approved High Level Sift process and did not meet the benchmark score to be taken forward to more detailed appraisal.

2.3.      Although the request for a pedestrian crossing facility outside of the school is not currently a priority for funding for the County Council, if an external source of funding is identified, the County Council could support a scheme to install a pedestrian crossing facility outside of the school. 


3          Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1.      It is recommended that the petitioners be advised that a scheme to provide a pedestrian crossing facility on the B2096 Battle Road outside of Punnetts Town Community Primary School has not met the necessary benchmark score to be considered for detailed appraisal and possible inclusion for funding within the Capital Programme.

3.2.      The County Council could support a scheme to install a pedestrian crossing facility outside of the school if an external source of funding is identified.

3.3       The County Council will continue to assist the school and local community with recruitment for the vacant School Crossing Patrol post and will provide full training, uniform and equipment to a successful applicant.



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Helen Clee
Tel. No. 0345 6080193



Councillor Bowdler


